Join Gamedev Camp Season 4 for a chance to win a Defold prize

Join Gamedev Camp Season 4 for a chance to win a Defold prize - 1000 EUR for our favorite game made with Defold!

Every season the Camp is looking for motivated artists, developers, and game designers to form small teams that will embark on a 4-month-long journey of creating their own games!

You can be an industry professional or just someone who’s beginning your game dev journey - Gamedev Camp is for all who want to improve and try something more, something new!

The next season begins in January so don’t miss the opportunity and apply today!

Side-note: Gamedev Camp was founded by Olle Pridiuksson (@Oleg_The_Evangelist here on the forum). Olle was the Defold game engine evangelist for many years.


hi all! I think my old account was tied to my King email and is gone. So here’s the new me.

I want to invite Defold users to consider joining Gamedev Camp to prototype their next game.

In a nutshell, the idea is that you’d be matched with an artist and a game designer to make a game together. We match you with your team members based on what kind of game you’d like to make, your preferred language and other aspects. So far, none of our matched teams broke up in two previous seasons.

At the Camp you’d get code, art and design review sessions by mentors, who work in the games industry, you’d be invited to present your demo at GDBAY, Indie Cup, DevGAMM and other parner events online and offline.

Also Defold Foundation would pick one gama made with Defold that gets a 1,000 EUR in cash, while other partners bring in more prizes.

Finally, we played some of the games from Season 2 and 3 yesterday. Skip through this video to get an idea of the vibe of the Camp and the kind of games that other teams make:

I am here to answer all your questions!


hi @Olle_Pridiuksson
the very first question that came to mind when britlz wrote the first time is: this sounds too good to be true… how much does it cost? I looked repeatedly on the site but found nothing. Getting reviews from mentors can’t be free

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hi, thanks for your interest. The price is literally in huge print on the apply page: Apply to Join Gamedev Camp and Create a Game with Experienced Mentors | Gamedev Camp

One has to pay only if they like the matched team. The application is free and is about filling a form about who you are and what would you like to do. Like a cover letter for a job or a university.

I’m sorry, I swear I looked at it over and over again but evidently I didn’t scroll down enough :sweat_smile:.
at first glance it seems like a high price when compared to classic game jams. but I must say that in the past I would have paid for the possibility of being put in contact with my peers. all in all I think it’s a great idea with potential.


so… based on your experience of past events, there are also participants who agree to work on other people’s ideas? I mean, I would have imagined that everyone arrives with their own idea of a game to make and almost no one wants to marry someone else’s idea

sorry I missed your message previously.

you got the idea right - one of the main values of the Camp is that you get a team that you don’t need to pay for.

Ideas - we match people based on their game ideas, on what they want to make. The details is up to you and your team to decide.
But then again, your games should be a cross between

  • what you want to make
  • what you can make in time
  • what makes sense to make

And multiply it by the same matrix of each team member.

I’d love to reply to your question from a different side: the number of teams that well-apart during the last 2 seasons is ZERO. Only two our of 20+ teams came pre-formed (but still lacked key members), while the rest came as individuals and we matched them into teams.

I am open to all questions, if my reply is not good enough - I’ll elaborate from the angle that you;d like me to.

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I am back we still don’t have a Defold team in the Camp who could claim the 1,000 EUR cash prize from Defold Foundation.

I think Gamedev Camp website explains what Camp is and how it works in detail, but let me talk about the structure of the Camp to focus on how it is worth the energy of a sole indie developer.

We’ve designed the camp to answer 4 questions:

  1. What game do you want to make?
  2. Can you make your game?
  3. Who needs your game?
  4. How can you fund your game

Here’s how the 3+1+12 months program works in practice:

  1. Feb-March-Apr - 3 months of ideation with your new team and mentors
  • Code/Art/Design reviews + workshops
  • Demo Day + Sponsor prize awards
  1. May - 1 month to publish your game on
  • We letsplay your game on YouTube (along all other games from the Camp)
  • Our community and all teams play all games and vote on the best games from Season 4
  1. June - a chance to get funded
  • A publisher/investor matching event (we’ll proactively work with publishers and platforms to take a look at your games)
  • Awards + Platform Deals (we’re raising capital and signing deal to make it happen)
  1. Summer Camp in Vilnius:
  • Pitch Competition in front of publishers/investors

3+1+12 means that Season 4 graduates will have 12 months to participate in Season 5 and 6 activities to find the audience and funding for their games or join other teams in the Camp, including one of the 14 succesful alumni teams that are active currently.

So entering the Camp has a price/motivaiton barrier. But once you’re inside - it is all free and nice.


I applied and really wishing to join it! Hopefully there will be at least one team gathered :smiley:


I think Lera talked about you. A person named Pawel impressed her with how he presented himself.

Don’t forget to reply to her email next year :hugs:

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Pawel, I came to poke you to reply :slight_smile: to Lera’s email.

And we have space for one more Defold team, so we’d be happy to admit one more Defold programmer.

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Thank you for a poke Olle! :smiley:

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so it looks like we gonna have 2 Defold teams!
it is te last week to apply: Apply to Join Gamedev Camp and Create a Game with Experienced Mentors | Gamedev Camp

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results of the Camp!
Solianiko and Red Raging Wolf are #MadeWithDefold


We’re pleased to award the teams behind Solianiko and Red Raging Wolf €500 each in prize money! We will also pay for travel, accommodation and tickets to DevGAMM Vilnius to participate in the games showcase.

Red Raging Wolf, Solianiko and the other games from the season can be played on


I am so happy we’ve collaborated on this!


I can wholeheartidly recommend joining the Gamedev Camp - though you must know it’s transforming now and will not be in a form I was participated afaik - the currently open Community Tier is cheap though - you can get in know with 50% discount for 15 EUR only (I joined already :D) :

I did a video on my thoughts after the first ~1,5 month:

And I will make another one after finishing it. We are going to DevGAMM presenting the Red Raging Wolf and hopefully we will still continue to develop it after the camp (we still do!) :heart:


Wow, 15 euro (even 30 euro) sounds like a steal!

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