Is it possible to do fullscreen on devices like the Nexus 9? (DEF-1129) (SOLVED)

On some android devices, Nexus 9 is one of them, the home and back buttons take up a part of the screen. I want to use the entire screen for our application. I have tried the fullscreen setting in the project settings but it did nothing on andoid as far as I could see.


I ran into the same problem, any help?

I think you need a custom AndroidManifest.xml file where you request fullscreen with no navigation bar, but I’m not 100% sure if this is enough. Anyone knows?

If you want to experiment then grab the default AndroidManifest.xml from the command line build tool, bob.jar (for Defold 1.2.75: Rename to .zip, unzip it and get the AndroidManifest.xml from com/dynamo/bob/bundle/resources/android. Move the manifest file to your project and point to it in game.project. Then Google for how to set fullscreen without nav bar and make the required changes to the manifest file. Perhaps like in this SO answer:

That only made the taskbar (on the top) disappear and is already in the default manifest file. Is there a way to use this in Defold?

Not sure, @sven or @sicher, do you know?

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Would really like to know if this is possible, anyone?

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Could you try this:

In short, do as @britzl said, add your own AndroidManifest.xml, then change this:

<activity android:name=""

into this:

        <activity android:name=""

(That is, change android:theme of DefoldActivity to: @android:style/Theme.DeviceDefault.NoActionBar.Fullscreen).

I tried this on a Moto G and that seems to make the bar be transparent and I could use the full screen. Worth a shot! :smile:

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Unfortunately didn’t work on my Xperia Z5.

Hmm, ok, we’d need some time to figure this one out. I’ve created a ticket to track this issue: DEF-1673


Has there been any fix for this yet? The full screen mode you are talking about here is known as ‘Immersive mode’. I know that editing the Android manifest alone is not enough to enable immersive mode - you need to get at the java code in order to set certain flags. Click here to see Android docs

I think this fix should be made a high priority because not being able to set immersive mode on modern android phones really detracts from a game when you compare it to something that is using immersive mode


The task has been estimated by the team as a small task, and it’s available for a team member to pick up and solve when there’s time available in between larger tasks. So far it hasn’t been picked yet, but you mentioning it again might increase the chance of it being solved.


Any more news on this feature? Without supporting Immersive mode on Android the Defold engine is not an option for me but I would like to use it :frowning:

This is still in the backlog. I’m afraid other matters have been given higher priority. How far into production are you and when do you estimate to release your game on Android? The feature might be implemented before you intend to release on Android.

Well there is absolutely no way we will begin a project with Defold on the hope that by the time we are ready to release you may have decided to fix this small thing - its already been outstanding for months. Such a shame that something so simple to fix gets put on hold.

While I agree with you that it is a small thing, there are many small and large things in our backlog, all of varying importance. Some would say that immersive mode on Android is super important, while others may say some other thing is more important. If you look at the release notes for the past couple of releases, things like better HTML5 support or the time critical IPv6 support on iOS have been given higher priority, and rightfully so in my mind. But that is not to say that immersive mode will never be added because I know it will, I just can’t give you an exact date. And if this feature is preventing you from trying Defold for your next game then I’m sorry.


Fair enough - I was just pointing out that the fact that this backlog item has been outstanding for months and that you guys decide whats important and what is not means that it is impossible for serious development teams to choose Defold. It’s a promising engine but it lacks too many features that are needed for commercial use. The other big missing feature being any form of monetisation feature.

There is IAP for monetization right now. IAP can be effective. Here is a strategy: 1. Make a game that would have a good chance at being popular 2. Make a game that would probably do a good job at making money based on IAP. Promote the second game within the first game. I know devs who do this with their network of free apps which get lots of downloads promoting apps which make more money from IAP.

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ok so its been a few more months since this was last asked but can Defold now create full screen immersive mode apps on Android yet? As stated in the past this was deemed a simple fix by the team but was also deemed low priority - which was a real shame. Has any progress been made?

Not sure. @sven and @jakob.pogulis, was this issue discussed in your latest backlog meeting?

Just chiming in to say our team is also keen on seeing this feature, the bar creates strange aspect ratios and makes the (already fragmented) world of android support even more difficult to navigate.