iOS target crashes (SOLVED)

I’ve just upgraded to 1.2.114 from 1.2.113 and when I use Project->Target->“My iOS 11.0.2 device”, the app just crashes on the phone with no error message at all.

Just wanted to see if I was the only one or if anyone else is experiencing this?

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Do you see any logs in the editor before the game crashes on device?

EDIT Something to keep in mind, the engine version on the target device needs to match the version the editor uses. It should of course not crash in any case.

No logs or any output message :frowning:

It is the same version, it actually displays an error message if the versions aren’t matching and refuse to connect :wink:

Yes, like it should :slight_smile:

How are you deploying the game to the iOS device? Could you have a look at the logs on the device?

I’ve tried both the “Sign iOS” option and also by uploading my build to Testflight and downloading it to the phone in both cases with the same result.

Not sure how I get the logs from the device?

You have a couple of different options:, deviceconsole and libimobiledevice.

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Thanks, I’ll try the Xcode approach and get back to you.


I’ve sent you a private message @Johan_Beck-Noren with the device log.

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I’ve pinpointed the crash now and it’s one of the extensions I’ve been using: defunityads. So I’ll just disable the extension and continue with my game making now :slight_smile:

Thanks for the help!


Second time when my extension is reason of topic like this, sorry for that. I’ll try to fix this bug soon.

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Which editor did you use?
I can’t reproduce your bug ( but I have no device with latest ios. On ios 10.3 all works fine.

As I wrote previously, I’m using editor 1 version 1.2.114 with iOS11.

Since I have the source code, I can see if I can add any print outs to the code and see where it does wrong. I’ll get back when I have more info then!

I think I found a cause and fix this bug.
Can you fetch last update and check ?