Intergalactic Arena: First Blood #CoronaDefoldJam

This is my game for CoronaDefoldJam: It’s a prototype of a game which I’m planning to make.

You play as a space gladiator who fights enemies from all over the Universe.


Yay, this is cool!


Nice! It’s fun. It’s pretty hard to get around with no air control though.

Thanks! Do you mean it is hard to move left/right when you are jumping? I don’t do anything special with x acceleration in the air, maybe start y acceleration or gravity is too high.

Cool game mate, I like the funky graphics and the concept :+1:

Ah, I tried it again, you’re right. The problem is, other things seem to override your horizontal movement. The shooting in midair isn’t too bad(it’s fun that you can hover) but it’s kind of jerky. I suspect it completely overrides your horizontal movement, instead of just adding backwards velocity? The bigger problem is when you hit an enemy. If you’re holding a left/right key, hit an enemy, and try to jump, you just go straight up. I guess you wanted some sort of recoil thing in there when you get hit, but it ends up being frustrating because your first impulse is to jump out of the way when you get hit, but as it is now that just makes you jump straight up and get hurt again when you come down. Your movement seems to get locked up when you need it most.


Space gladiators – what a cool idea!

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Nice one, @vxx1! Lovely little demo – great sound/art/overall feeling :slight_smile:

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@ross.grams, you comment is very helpful! You highlight weak points of movement system. Some of them (shooting in midair) I was planning to rework, others I noticed, but couldn’t put into words and your comment helped me to understand them, so I will fix them all!