Images are not displayed in the Russian version of the manual GUI Box node

Describe the bug (REQUIRED)
When using the Russian manual, images are not displayed in the GUI BOX NODES

To Reproduce (REQUIRED)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to manuals
  2. Click on ‘Language → Russian’
  3. Open GUI Boxe nodes

Image display

Platforms (REQUIRED):

  • Platforms: [Android, Windows, HTML5]
  • OS: [e.g. Windows 7, Android ]
  • Device: [e.g. Laptop, Redmi A8]

I’d better clarify that the Russian language is used not only in Russia, but also in many Asian countries, I don’t like conflicts because of the language used…

Thank you for reporting an issue with the documentation. We recently split out the slice 9 documentation into a separate subsection since it is now useable not only from GUI box nodes but also sprites, but the localized version of the manual was never updated. This has been fixed now and the documentation should be updated on the website in 10-15 minutes.

If you find other differences in the localized versions please help out and submit pull requests in the repository above!

And be sure to read the information for translators. Thanks!

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Thank you very much !