OK ._.
I’ve never struggled with a texture as much as this time. I didn’t understand the power of overlapping until now, the fact that the textures were 128x128 was a real challenge. I split all the objects in half and then uvmap it, to finally add half the object, so I guarantee to have 50% more space for the textures, I also separated them because there are errors in the margin of the textures being the Very low resolution haha, but I made it, at least I thought so, until I saw that the textures on the back were not far enough apart.
It was probably best to overlap all black in general.
Well I’ll leave images of the textures in case you want to leave it like that, or want me to fix it
the model has a total of 1000 vertices, with 994 polygons.
I also have to work on the rig, but hey, here’s an example of a low poly model.
Contains no ngons or triangles, only quads
The game’s website has just come back online and I could see the description, in the end it’s a game in space, I guess this model won’t work hahaha