Hello, I am new here. I have a few ideas for the game and I would like to start working on some of them. This is my first game project ever. I am a .net developer. But I have always been interested in making games. So why don’t try it?
I was looking for some engines to use for my ideas. And Defold feels right. The community around and feel of the engine is simple yet powerful.
So that’s was my thoughts now, about the game engine and a little about myself.
I really like Conway’s Game of Life so I wanted to recreate it in some nice funny way. The game will not be a classical idle game. Your way of playing can very change how you are making money. The basics will be your board. On board you can add cells. Cells have simple rules “Game of life”.
Rules are:
- Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbors dies, as if by underpopulation.
- Any live cell with two or three live neighbors lives on to the next generation.
- Any live cell with more than three live neighbors dies, as if by overpopulation.
- Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbors becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
A game tick will be every second. On tick, there will be a count of every living cell, and then dying and born new cells according to rules. 1 living cell counted will generate 1 LC of money (LC LifeCoin).
So you start with an empty board. How to generate money? It’s easy, create your own life.
For example:
- Player starts with board 16x16 and editor 3x3
- In the editor you can prepare your pattern to spawn
2.1. One cell for spawn cost 1 LC - On board you can insert your pattern
- The patter will live by rules and generate money (If your cells don’t all die)
- If you create a moving pattern. Every cell that leaves board will generate 2x more money
Upgrade system
- Increase board size
- Increase editor site
- Increase money generated from 1 cell
- Buy prepared Cell pattern (for example “Glider”)
So that’s the basic idea about the game I wanna create. I am open to your interesting ideas if you have some. But please take into consideration that this will be my weekend project.
Thank you for your attention. Be ready for updates! Have a nice day.
BTW Sorry for my bad English.