Icarus Saves The World

After submiting to itch, you should definitely check your game in Chrome. Because performance may vary in different browsers.

If you have lags in Chrome:

  1. Turn on “release mode” checkbox in Bundle options:
  1. If you still have lags after that, turn on Variable Dt in game.project
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I would highly recommend setting “Release mode” unless you are developing/debugging.


Ok I think this worked. Just signed up for itch.io. https://monkeyflute.itch.io/icarus-saves-the-world?secret=iNvv4izKFWRyI4yMBON7Hetxp8 needs a lot of work but it’s a start

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Looks cool, I really like the crazy aesthetics! Not sure I understood everything though. So you shoot rain drops at the rocks, in order to get better ammo—which you can use to kill dolphins, etc?

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I haven’t tried the game yet but it sounds awesome!!!

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Yep, it’s crazy! The pink balls were really nasty. And there was a carrot. I don’t understand anything but it was great fun!


Hahaha that description made me laugh so hard for some reason. Thanks, glad you like the graphics! :blush: They’re supposed to be feathers but raindrops probably make about as much sense. I kind of had a bunch of ideas that I tried to throw together into what I hoped would be an alchemical cocktail of awesomeness. What I ended up with was just a very strange game instead I think, but it was fun and challenging to make it. So worthwhile. Hopefully my next one will be a little more coherent. Still need to work on the balance on this one’s gamepy before the comp ends.


Cheers! Glad you had fun. A big big BIG thank you by the way for all your help. I literally could not have gotten anywhere close to finishing this without all the questions that you’ve answered over the last few months. It was really tough at the beginning wrapping my head around programming. Luckily you guys have provided a really great way to learn over here at Defold… There is a story which kind of explains some of the madness in the game. I’ll add an opening sequence soon. Glad this corona competition came up though. It gave me that little bit of extra impetus to just put it out there in the world (warts and all).

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Just realised I didn’t answer your question. Yes you can use the rocks to take out the “enemies” or you can use hearts. The way you deal with them affects what happens in the end.

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Ah—this, I like.


Man that game is fun! You just don’t know what to expect and I like the stun effect when you get hit great physical feedback; I love that kind of stuff!


Thanks Mena. Appreciate it :grin:

It’s getting down to crunch time so I’m truly getting the full game dev experience. I feel legit… I’ve been making a few tweaks to my game. Trying to make it more fair. Spreading out the waves of frenemies a bit, so the player doesn’t get completely smashed all at once. Making the red blocks more robust so you can leave them laying around kind of like mines. I’m going to add a “friends made” and “casualties” tally to give the game a clearer goal. I like obscure but it’s just a little too vague at the moment I think. I hope this will help give the the player some direction.


Love it – love the music also – very cool vibe


Cheers :blush:

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Well it is done (at least the game jam is). That was fun. Good luck and congratulations to everyone who participated.

I’ve cleaned up a few things in my game. It’s more playable now I hope.

Time to have a break from dev and play some games :grin: