Unfortunately browsers on Mac still have to go through a translation layer to OpenGL (webgl).
You can check this by typing about:gpu in the address bar of chrome.
Most likely you’ll see this:
GL_RENDERER: ANGLE (Apple, Apple M1 Max, OpenGL 4.1 Metal - 83)
If you close all instances of Chrome and launch it from the terminal with this:
/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --use-cmd-decoder=passthrough --use-angle=metal --user-data-dir=<some-random-folder>
You should get this when checking the angle backend:
GL_RENDERER: ANGLE (Apple, ANGLE Metal Renderer: Apple M1 Max, Version 13.2.1 (Build 22D68))
I’ve found that most glitches go away with the pure metal renderer and shader compilation is also 10x faster.
Not sure when Google will switch to the new renderer by default.