How to transfer disc project to dashboard

I started my project as a disc project. I wish to submit it as an asset, but I can’t figure out how to hook it to the dashboard for submission. There is no upload option that I can find.

Is there a workaround?

Create blank project. Pull the blank dashboard project to a local folder. Copy your existing files into it. Commit / sync /push etc. You can also just upload a zip or use github (best option imo because then others can contribute fixes easily potentially).


FYI If you’re using Github or something similar you still need to create a “ghost project” on the dashboard so you have something to choose when you click “add your asset” on the community site. I also recommend Github, it’s nice that people can look through your project files, submit issues, pull requests, etc.


@Pkeod @ross.grams
I’m having a bit of trouble using Github. I bet I must have formatted something wrong. Here’s the repository link. Would you guys mind seeing what I did wrong?

Btw, I would want to use it in the library link, correct?

Make a git specifically for DefChat don’t put all of your projects into the same repo.

Once you make a git specifically for DefChat you can use a link like

If you update over time then you’ll want to publish numbered releases too which is easily done on the github site.

By the way, we had same idea ( ) but I have not published my version so I’ll have to pick a different name when I do if I do now. :stuck_out_tongue:



sigh, I’ll get the hang of it eventually.

Same thing.

Here’s the new repository.


Sadly you are still not doing it right, the zip is auto generated for you.



I believe I have it working now, but I’ve spent much too long on this and I’ll have to get back on it in the morning. I’ve been having a little trouble uploading a screenshot and a thumbnail. Made sure they were in acceptable formats, sizes, and file sizes, but to no avail.

I’ll try again in the morning and probably edit this.

Thank you for all your help!

Name snipe! I can always change DefChat because your version will most likely be better. I had another idea for calling it “ChatterBox”.

EDIT: And here it is! Thanks again for all your help.