How to get scrolling tiled background image?

Thanks for help!! So I understand at now…modules…I forgot… :wink:

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Yes, precisely - whenever I am using a hash - I’m prehashing it and storing it in a Lua module. I agree that “m” is too enigmatic, but for me it means “messages” and I use it all the time - I edited the above post to explain it a bit there.

You can name your module however you like - because you are creating a Lua table that you are assigning to a variable:

local m = require "messages"

and in some other place:

local messages = require "messages"

I advice though to use some senseful naming convention and stick to it. I use one letter like this “m” only for modules I use everywhere and all the time - like pre-hashed messages. I used also “d” for “dispatcher”, but after I tinkered with it a lot and named it strangely “pigeon” - I stick to this name :smiley:

Btw, nowadays, I use a module by Sergey Lerg for prehashing (and I also use enigmatic name “H” for it always :sweat_smile:)

Hi Pawel,
many thanks for reply and help!!