When your team is porting game to another engine / technology, it will always encounter some difficulty. One of them is certification. As you can guess, not all game engines / applications use the same certificate format. In our scenario, Unity Game Engine use *.keystore format, but Defold Engine require *.PK8 and *.PEM. How to extract it from the *.keystore file?
Before we start we need to get the tools below:
(a) OpenSSL’s homepage and OpenSSL
(b) KeyStore Explorer
Once you’ve installed everything correctly, we can go through the format conversion.
STEP 1: Inport UNITY KEYSTORE in KeyStore Explorer
In KeyStore Explorer, you can easily import Unity Keystore. When importing, just enter the password you signed the key.
The imported key will appear in the list. With the right mouse button you can export it to PCKS12. You will be prompted again to enter the password for which you have signed the key.
STEP 3: Open Terminal
Next, using openssl we will convert the keys. You will need to have OpenSSL installed. It works on either Windows, Mac OS X or Linux.
STEP 4: Convert PKCS12 to PEM
openssl pkcs12 -in path.p12 -passin pass:password -out certificatename.pem
- The -in option specifies file to read the key
- The -passin option specifies password protecting the source
- The -out option specifies file to save the result. The default output format is PEM.
STEP 5: Convert PEM to PKCS8
openSSL pkcs8 -in certificatename.pem -topk8 -nocrypt -out certificatename.pk8
Excellently! We managed to get the keys that we can sign our application. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
University of Games Team