How do I cancel my account? (SOLVED)

Blenderartist community is starting to talk about Defold too:

Some people there thought that King already open sourced it.

Games from scratch did give the engine a lot of credit for it’s strong sides.
Your documentation is top notch, which is very appreciated!


Thank you! You’re very kind.


To answer the question: It is specifically its connection with King that I must sever connection with this product. I cannot in good conscience support King with my attention regardless of the quality of this particular product. I will not touch this unless and until King divests itself of Defold in its entirety and a full independent code audit finds no technical connection with King.

@atari_eric would you consider using it if it was open sourced under MIT license?

We understand why you hate King, and the developers are quite aware of the bad publicity of the company. But they have shown to be very kind and polite people whose engine King has simply used on some games.

Another thing to take into consideration is that King has changed ownership and it is now a part of Activision. It is entirely possible that the people responsible for the bad publicity have moved on to create another company with a new clean name.

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Activision - the company who laid me off and threw me under the bus for five years?!? Not the best of alternates.

Well, I appreciate it greatly. This engine is a dream come true compared to the ones I was using before.


It is now possible to cancel your account and delete all created projects from the Dashboard.