Also, would be happy to hear any tips/experience recruiting for this type of role, as Defold experience is quite rare. For example, should I also post on Discord?
Yes, sure I can post in Ru channels (with explanation that English is required).
Also if @AarrrBee tweet about it, we can re-tweet from Defold account.
I have learned so much about Spine animations using Defold. Started with the Dragon Bones program making characters. I found the program exported all slots to one “default” skin. So I dove into the json file and began reorganizing them into skins. Also, Dragon Bones obscurely named their IK constraint bones. Now I’m getting game objects attached to IK bones and controlling spine characters with physics. Been a fast learning process but Lua is fun language. I learned c++ ages ago and the principles still apply. I severely injured my leg in a construction accident so I’ve had lots of time to learn.
Sorry, I should have replied to this before. I got distracted by trying to remember our Twitter password.
Happy to say that we’re now working with @blisteredMind