*help* how to add admob ads using lua code

How can i add admob ads in my game… Please … Or how to add ads using lua code… Someone please help

As I understand, there’s no support for that yet.

No ad support… Thia ia bullshit

I’m sorry you feel this way. We are working on exposing the extension system so that you can add AdMob or any other third party SDK. Until this is finished you can monetise your app through In App Billing or through normal paid apps.

If the ads provider is a web service and it sends you images to show, you can do that with some scripting and the gui system.

Please add a way to add admob ads… :slight_smile: so that we developer’s can earn a little money and use that money to improve games :slight_smile:

Can you tell estimated time when we can use admob in games :slight_smile:

@Ragnar_Svensson can you tell me when we can add admob … Thanks :slight_smile:

It’s too early to say when it will be available, I honestly don’t know. We realise it’s a huge need for people so it’s quite urgent for us to get it fixed. If it’s absolutely crucial to you, I would actually recommend that you use another engine until we can make promises on ETAs.