Hacktoberfest 2023

It is time for Hacktoberfest again! Hacktoberfest is a month long event celebrating open source projects and contributors. Head over to Hacktoberfest.com to learn more about the event and how to participate as a contributor.

Defold is participating as a maintainer and we have flagged the following projects for participation:

If you want to contribute to any of our other repositories and want your contribution to count, please let us know and we’ll flag the repo for you!


The repo for the defold.com website has also been added to the list of repos:

The full list of participating repositories can be seen here:


Traditionally, I can say now, I continue adding Polish translation on the occasion of the Hacktoberfest :smiley:
I have an ambition to complete all manuals → when I manage to do it, Defold will be the second game engine after Godot that have documentation translated to Polish :poland: