GO not always stops when target reached [SOLVED]

I’m working on click(touch)-to-move for my project and the script is not consistent. I found a script here on the forum and added a few things, like acceleration, but this issue was happening before that as well. Basically, sometimes when the GO reaches the point that was clicked it stops and sometimes it doesn’t. There are no error messages so I don’t know why it’s happening. It seems to be that when you click on the screen further away from the GO it’s more likely to not stop than when you click close to it.

The main collection only has 1 GO (player), and the GO has only 1 script(below) and a sprite. No collision objects of any kind, so there’s nothing to complicate things.

My question is, simply, does anyone know why this code would work sometimes but not other times? And a follow up question; if it’s not obvious, what debugging things can I do to try to solve it?

local input_touch = hash("touch")

local function target_reached(target, current)
	return math.floor(target.x) == math.floor(current.x) and math.floor(target.y) == math.floor(current.y)

function init(self)
	msg.post(".", "acquire_input_focus")
	self.target_position = vmath.vector3()
	self.direction = vmath.vector3()
	self.moving = false
	self.speed = 0
	self.acceleration = 5

function update(self, dt)
	if self.moving then
		local position = go.get_position()

		if vmath.length(self.direction) > 0 then
			self.speed = self.speed + self.acceleration * dt 
			position = position + self.direction * self.speed * dt

		if target_reached(self.target_position, position) then
			self.speed = 0
			self.moving = false
			self.target_position = vmath.vector3()

function on_input(self, action_id, action)
	if action_id == input_touch and action.released then
		self.target_position = vmath.vector3(action.x, action.y, 1)
		self.moving = true
		self.direction = vmath.normalize(self.target_position - go.get_position())

I would not use this

to check that current reached target. In my opinion this is too prone to approximation errors. I would prefer something like:

local MIN_DIST = 1.0 (or some other small value)
local dx = current.x - target.x
local dy = current.y - target.y
return dx * dx + dy * dy < MIN_DIST

However, I may be wrong and this is not the problem in your code.



Well, that seems to have worked. I’ve clicked around for a few minutes and it always stops. Thanks!