Fullscreen on mobile (SOLVED)

Hi! A player reported this screenshot

Is there a way to force the “button bar” and the “info bar” (sorry, I don’t know the technical names…) to vanish? I think that they are hidden on the majority of devices but not for this user…

In my project “Fullscreen” in NOT checked. But, as I have said above, the game runs in fullscreen automatically (for example on my Android device). On the other hand, if I check “Fullscreen” then my mac is blocked… I had to switch it off!!!


oooh. it is simple.
you can simply go to game.project settings
and in the Android section, enable the Immersive Mode.

now, there are no more bars on your mobile devices.

thank you


Yeah! But it IS already enabled… :slight_smile:

Hmm, I recall this has come up before. @AGulev didn’t you investigate this?

Yes, here is a solution:

Unfortunately, right now I don’t have time to implement it in the engine itself, but we definitely should do that. But for now, this temporary solution is fine, I think.


I’ll add it to the planned work for 1.2.170. It should be a fairly quick fix.


Thank you as usual!!!

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Solved in 1.2.170

And again my thanks!