Fullscreen on HTML5

For some reason Fullscreen on my Ipad dosen’t work on any browser (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Puffin and Dolphin). But on my computer (Windows) and my phone (Android) it works just fine. I tried to scale it down to the exact size of my Ipad’s screen resolution, but it sill don’t work. Can someone please help me.

What do you mean that it doesn’t work? Could you describe in more detail what happens?

It dosen’t do anything when you press the Fullscreen button. Nothing happends, only when you hold in the button get selected, but nothing happends. I can post a video if you want to see it.

Might have something to do with “fullscreen API” support on iOS Safari: http://caniuse.com/#feat=fullscreen

It dosen’t work on any browser, even Chrome.

It won’t work on iOS because it doesn’t support it.

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What you need is some kind of html and css template in order to disable outputs going outside of game and to stretch/manage the aspect ratio.

I know that there was a template floating around. You can check dragosha.com/hamster as it seems to be doing all of the above except automatically changing the aspect ratio when switching between landscape/portrait modes.


Nice, thanks! :slight_smile:

a bit more about it here: