[FOR HIRE, REMOTE] - 2D&3D; AA Concept Artist Available for Work. Envir, Mecha, Vehicle, Weapon. Sci-fi, Realism

Name : Arsenii Kolesnikov
Timezone : UTC +3 (GMT +3) (Moscow, Russia)
Specializing: Sci-Fi & Realism Concept Art for AA-AAA games and films.

Hello! My name is Arsenii Kolesnikov. I’m concept artist, working with different projects from cinematic/film concept art to gamedev and NFT, I offer a range of services that cater specifically to the needs of AA-AAA game developers and Film productions.
My expertise lies in concept design, where I bring ideas to life through compelling artwork.

Skillset: 2D/3D concept art and design; architecture, environment, keyframes, mecha, sketching, preproduction

3 years in film and game industry
4 years in archviz (3D environment artist)

Service offered:

1. 2D concept art.

  • Translating your idea into a visual concept in a short period of time (from 1-5 days). Depending on the time and volume of preproduction, the quality of the material can vary from a rough sketch to something close to illustration quality.
  • It is possible to create a graphic material without deep preproduction, on average it takes 1.5 days. In this case, no edits and interactions are assumed.

1. 3D + 2D concept design.

  • Designing any inanimate (for now) object to a level close to industrial design standards. The process includes meaningful research of the material in preproduction, creation of sketches of both the general plan and details of the object, as well as working out mechanisms and their action in the case of vehicles or mechs, or creating another state of the object (e.g. in time) for locations.
  • This type of service also includes working out the design in 3D, taking into account the selected states with primitive animation to check the work of the design (for example, opening doors on a car, or takeoff on a spaceship).
  • This type of service includes many iterations of interactions with the customer, and also takes a lot of time (from 1.5 months for one object).

1. Keyframe concept art.

  • Creating an expressive composition for Cinematic movies or games based on your script or storyboard. Depending on the material and deadlines, the quality may vary. As a rule it takes me 2-3 days or more to create it in mixed technique and 1.5 days to create it in 2D. The difference between 2D and 3D is the ability to quickly change the composition or add to it.

1. Preproduction creation/consultation

  • Creating a theory base for your project or consulting on them. Material for Art Bible. Character portraits, briefs for concept artists, description of the world and locations, as well as items and objects that fill this world.

Show Cases:
Env. Concept art for game (level concept) (oct. 2023)

Time: near 1 week
Genre: Dark Fantasy
Status of project: in progress, Indie game
Description: Good and evil, brilliance and darkness – pervade our world. Starting the game as a humble peasant, we delve into the system of goodness, where mercenaries, spellbooks, and elixirs become our companions. We encounter mutants, travelers, and incredibly mighty bosses. Our hero is one in a million, with access to power. But with great power comes great responsibility. What happens next
Outcome: 3D model of location; 4 concept art; 3 close-up; presentation

New Eden. (2022)

Genre: sandbox in sci-fi & cyberpunk style.
Time: 4 month and 1 month for promo
Status of project: frozen; AA

About: Worked as an art director and senior concept artist on an open world game project. Was involved in city development: visual image, design of buildings and urban environment, illustration, concept art. Managed a small team of 4 people. The project is frozen.
Featured in the “Digital art” gallery on Behance
Outcome: 3D scene of city (primitive); 2x 3D scene of location (detail); Art Bible base; 12 concept art; 1 presentation

Vehicle concept art (2023)

Genre: Sci-fi; Realism; Futurism
Time: 1 month for all; near 2 days per concept with iteration of correction and preproduction
Project type: game AA (spaceship) and commercial (cars)
Project status: ​Game - closed; commercial - in progress

About: Project of different vehicles in Sci-fi style. The main goal was to get as many variations as possible in a short period of time. In the end, the fastest concept was made in 2 hours. Pre-production took 2 days, which included research, creating moodboards, analyzing the shapes of the existing design.

Write to me on e-mail with a proposal for cooperation . If you want to write to me in discord, please first write to Gmail and specify a nickname, so that I understand from whom the request comes.


For cooperation:
Box: 1sen.tidn@gmail.com
Telegram: @interweave_visual
Discord: sen_tidn#6381

Thank you


All Media:

New Project on Behance