Flappy bird template

Hello. i just came from unity and C#. I would like to ask if anyone would be so nice and create little tutorial for flappy bird and up it to youtube please. I am complete newbie to defold and lua. Thank you

We don’t have a Flappy Bird template currently and while Flappy Bird would be very easy to create it’s still a time investment to create one. Have you taken a look at any of the other tutorials or samples?

i will take a look, i just thought it would be easier to see completed sample or tutorial than looking thorough samples and trying to figure it out,=. No problem at all, i will try myself to fight with lua :slight_smile:

Perhaps it is easier, but you’ll learn a lot more from doing it yourself than a finished code sample could ever teach you! :wink:


cant agree more. Just bit lazy after learning Unity on my own :slight_smile: and ending up dissapointed

Oh, but there is! Forgot that someone already made a Flappy Bird game. I haven’t looked at the code though…


Thank you very much!!

One of the nice things about Defold is that the official website is generally the best place to learn from. The Examples can be good to get started with, they are very short, each covering a small specific thing.

There are a bunch of text tutorials that go through the full process of making a small game/prototype, like Snake. They are about as short and to-the-point as they can be.

The manuals are also good. The Introduction manual points you to some good places to start, like the Lua Manual, which is a very fast overview of pretty much everything you need to know about Lua.

This is assuming you are not desperately attached to flappy bird in particular. :smiley:


great article. And great community, hope i will also be able soon help others as soon as i will be bit fluent with Defold;


Asking questions helps others as well, not just answering them! :smile:


Alright , i was trying to follow some tutorials , and looked at the flappy template, uff, it look like this engine make things not so easy to do, much more steps is needed than necessery , i say it because i came from easier engine, well it is my problem , yes. And i will have to deal with it. I am just saying. Also defold doesnt provide any tutorial that is from ground up. All tutorials are premade and set up and all you learn is some code practice and such. None of the tutorials provide me with setting up the whole game. And for people who work and came home , we have limited time for learning and trying to find solutions by digging in the project is lot of wasted hours. I would be very happy if defold engine had some tutorials from the start to finish. Thank you and sorry .


Have you looked at the following tutorials? They start from scratch and continue until you have a whole game:

  1. https://www.defold.com/tutorials/war-battles/
  2. https://www.defold.com/tutorials/snake/
  3. https://www.defold.com/tutorials/15-puzzle/
  4. https://www.defold.com/tutorials/magic-link/

You also have all the GFS tutorials: http://www.gamefromscratch.com/page/Defold-Engine-Tutorial-Series.aspx/


Hi. Tutorials you provided are all premade. You download all assets(by download tutorial section) and such that are ready to use. This is not called from ground up. Sorry, maybe i want too much haha, you know, i dont have much time . Thanks anyway

yes i watched tutorials from gamefromscratch, but the person is not a proffesional game maker. He makes tutorials for every single engine without any experience. And i dont want to learn bad practices by watching tutorial makers that learn 50 game engines at once.

Those tutorials focus on building things in Defold from scratch. Yes, they do not teach you how to paint the assets in your favourite piece of graphics software. If you need tutorials on how to make assets, I am sure you can find ones easily.

I do apologize, i dont want anyone to teach me painting in my favorite paint application. But if i download your tutorial , it is already set up. All sprites imported , all atlases set up. All factories done and so on. No problem at all as i said. It just a little complain and nothing more. I will learn as much as i can, thank you.

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This is not true.

The 4 tutorials I suggested all start with an empty project. There are images available, nothing else.