Soo my first 3 days on the Defold development…how have they been!?
Well~~AMAZING! and…a bit bothersome T_T (I shall now explain!)
Soo developing with the defold has been amazing, in a way that, its really easy to get work done, I am in love with its simplicity and low-resource eating editors~ it’s a real wonder!!!
Love the fact i can simply go around and pull lua libraries and add to my project, as an actual programmer, for me that does wonders! saves me a lot of work and always brings new possibilities around! (Even though no C-LIB dependent libs can be used, but hey! its already a very nice thing!)
The engine allows me to work on literally what needs to be worked on, and abstract away the tech specifics~
Also, for real, all the exports, for free, IDK who had that idea, but seriously, I want to hug you!!! Thats certainly one of the best parts of the engine~
The documentation is very gooood~ I love it, simple yet very complete and straightfoward, i like this!
makes googling APIs very easy!
As for the tutorials, I think those are pretty nice and such, but I believe the community needs more~
(Would be pretty amazing to add a TUTORIALS section to the forum~ that could be killer!!!)
Also, the Eclipse based UI brings me lots of memories, and I enjoy it very much! (Nostalgia! my old java dev days! >w<)
So yes, the engine is very great in those aspects~
Welll…Sooo, first, let me address something that wants to make punch ppl on the face :< (first I hug, now I punch Dx) , the online login, to open projects…
That isnt really an issue at home, since I am always connected, however, when I am at college, this thing suckkkkksss, First, it requires me to sign in everytime i turn off my machine/close the app, and the internet at my college doesnt allow HTTPS, which means no google Oauth, which means, i am locked away from my project! :<
(Even though i already have the “GIT” game repo cloned locally! like what the heck, i should be able to at least just load it by selecting “Open File” and selecting my game project or something…that would be VERY nice)~
second, the lack of support for a better autocomplete/“intelisense” for the editor, that could be improved, minor complaint, that isnt an “actual” issue~
and at least, lack of support for Mp3 audio files (I understand the licensing issues mp3 requires, but oh well…I still miss it…) :<, kind of a bummer, but OGG works nicely enough
lack of support for other image formats is also a bit meh, for example, TGA is very amazing image format for games, buuuut its not supported either :<
Sooo about my biggest complaint, as i have read in a couple posts, this is actually being fixed, and might come out in the v2 of the editor ^w^ (yays) (sadly, the release is like scheduled for september/october i guess? :<)
Annnd I have talked to friends about the engine, everyone seems pretty eager to work on it, I guess I might be bringing 2 more projects to it
totally 3 RPGs in production in Defold~
which is pretty good i think
sooooo yeah~~ Keep the good work up Defold team!