“Find the pair” Dev Log

“Find the pair” Dev log #1

I’m currently working on a “find the pair” puzzle game. My goal is to learn all steps from idea to release. I’ve been working a idle project for a while, but I decided to switch to a project with a smaller scope to finish something much faster.

I began this project by creating a tile editor . I’ve added the minimum functionality needed to start creating levels for this project. The editor exports the coordinate grid in Json format, which I then use in the main project. Creating an editor is time consuming, but it gives creativity freedom. Additionally, I’m planing to continue working on projects with a hexagonal grid, so it should help me a lot in the future.

Recently, I’ve finished gameplay mechanics, added simple UI and flip animation. Right now I start working on graphic design. I like b/w design, but I believe colored game will be more attractive for players. I expect to finish prototype very soon.

Dev log with materials


“Match Match - kitchen” Dev log #2

I found a new name for my puzzle. I finish the first version of my puzzle. Most of the time was spent on the graphic, as well fixing bugs and adding music.
I used food icons from game-icons. Thanks to Alexey Gulev for reference. I used the black and white version and colored them myself. It was a big challenge to find color palette. My wife called my graphic “childish” :).

For the background, I decided to try a shader. I used tutorial for converting shadertoy shaders to Defold. I started learn C and C++, so I finally understand the syntax of CG shaders. I’m not sure about this design; maybe in the feature I will change to static image.
I’m happy that I finish the project. This is first project that I’ve created alone, and the next step is publication on any platform.

I was forced to pause project for tree months, and it was really hard to find strength to continue work on it. I hope this experience helps me to finish more ambitious projects in the future.

Dev log #2 with matirials

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