Example "Trigger"

I have worked with example Trigger and I found the wrong part for bunny description.

Current result:


The bunny. Contains:

  • A Sprite component with the bunny image.
  • A Collision object component. It has Type set to DYNAMIC . A sphere Shape matching the sprite image is added to the components.

When I set type as “DYNAMIC” it doesn’t work and applied gravity from project settings.

I checked Defold examples repository and for this example I found the next code https://github.com/defold/examples/blob/master/examples/physics/trigger/trigger.collection


I tried to set bunny object collision to “KINEMATIC” and I got expecting result.


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Just finished with Kinematic physics example and there we do not have script file provided for a page as we have it for other examples.

I guess it’ll be great to add it.
Script: https://github.com/defold/examples/blob/master/examples/physics/kinematic/kinematic.script

Thanks. I’ll take a look tomorrow!
