Error reporting the docs - RELOADED!

We added a simple error reporting mechanism for documentation on the site before Christmas and I am very happy to see reports coming in! If you haven’t seen it, look in the lower right corner on manual and API pages (on desktop browsers):

If you spot something that looks weird or need improvement, just select the section, press the button and write a report.

Thanks for helping us making Defold better!


And for some icing on the cake, you can from now on get your name attached to all reports - if you want.

If you are logged in to Defold, your name is attached to the report unless you check the “I want to report anonymously” box:

So, starting now we will be able to see who makes the most contributions to the quality of the docs by reporting. Maybe we can turn this into a fun little competition?



We are getting quite a lot of reports, which is fantastic since it helps us increase the quality of the docs. And with the move of everything to GitHub, we’ve already got some pull requests.

The current leader of the report race is @ross.grams with 17 reports on the site and 2 pull requests on GitHub. Thanks a lot for your contribution!