Error in searching modules

Ok, I have a number of issues in the latest editor.
1-2 days ago everything was fine with Editor 2, and still working after building in old Editor 1 (115)

  1. The main issue: “module not found” error, but module is here
  2. look at line 2, “poker/girls” is found but “poker.girls” can’t be found - what’s the reason for this? It’s not the new issue, I have noticed this for a while.

@Ivan_Lytkin Thanks for reporting. Created 1523 for this, will take a look right away.

@Ivan_Lytkin I can’t reproduce this unfortunately. Would you be able to add me to this project?

Sure, you are in the team now! :slight_smile:


It looks like lua native problem. I meet that when I require same module in components in child and parent game objects. You need import module just once to fix that