Hi there!
I have encountered a totally unexpected engine crash… during a main scene switch, probably a collectionProxy loading. I am not able to reproduce this and that scene switch has been tested for months… Could you please try to get some information out of the crash file I attach?
Thanks for your great support!
_crash.zip (3.6 KB)
March 2, 2020, 11:10pm
Do you use any native extension dependencies?
March 3, 2020, 9:49am
The crash has the following crash dump (retrieved using crash.load_previous() and crash.get_extra_data():
# 0 pc 0x117db42d MetadataUtilities _sigtramp+29
# 1 pc 0x1e5323 dmengine _ZN9dmProfile5BeginEv+1459
# 2 pc 0x4aaf dmengine _ZN8dmEngine4StepEPNS_6EngineE+367
# 3 pc 0x70906 dmengine _ZN10dmGraphics18RunApplicationLoopEPvPFvS0_EPFiS0_E+38
# 4 pc 0x5a51 dmengine _ZN8dmEngine6LaunchEiPPcPFvPNS_6EngineEPvES6_S4_+177
# 5 pc 0x5e7f dmengine _Z11engine_mainiPPc+143
It doesn’t really tell us much. Has it happened again? It crashed on macOS right?
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The callstack looks plausible.
Did you get any log from the engine?
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Looking at the function + line number that’s being called, it has to do with profile scopes.
Could it be we run out of scopes in some manner?
How do you trigger it?
It there something component type or something you have a large amount of?
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Thanks for your help!
macOs with Catalina on a macbook air
it has not happened again
no log in the console
strange thing: the app window stayed open, but totally black
I don’t think we are running out of the game project limits.