Easy way to detect touch/click events on my sprite?

I’m quite new to game development and I used to work with Apples SpriteKit framework. With SpriteKit it was quite easy to detect if a certain object in my game was touched or clicked. So in my game I want to detect if my sprite, that serves as control element, is being clicked or touched. Is there an easy way to detect that or do I need to do the math by myself?

Are they in gui or game objects?

Here is a example by @britzl for click on game object

If it is in the gui then this tutorial may help you


Thank you. They are in game objects. Does that example on Github work for non-square sprites such as circles as well?

If you click on the alpha it will register as a click on the sprite.

If you have complex shapes maybe doing it with physics and collisions is better


This is an excellent suggestion and it works really well. I used this approach for my physics based linker/switcher example. Have a small collision object follow the mouse/touch position and have collision shapes set up on your game objects to detect when the mouse/touch object collides with it.