Easier way to pick up tile?


Been using Love2D and Tiled for a while before switching to Defold, one thing I want to know, is there an easier way to pick the tile easier than switching between menu or hot key and get a overall tile set when I draw tilemaps.

I would like a way to daaw tilemaps like RPG Maker or Tiled, or a paid plugin for that.

A library to use Tiled directly without export is also very nice if theres one.

You can shift+click/drag to copy an existing tile or group of tiles from your tilemap and use that as a brush. Mentioned here: https://defold.com/manuals/tilemap/#creating-a-tile-map

The only option I’m aware of now is to use Tiled with the Defold exporter to get the .tilemap and .tilesource files.

You can also use Tilesetter and export to Defold.

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Another option is to use a script like the one I uploaded here: Tiled tmx (CSV non-infinite) map converter tool along with a custom build script. I use this for my game. I have all my Tiled maps in one directory and then a build script which processes the maps and places them in the proper directory in my project folder. With a bit more work, one could use timestamps to only update the maps which have changed recently, etc. I want to turn this into a more featured extension at some point but fairly busy on the game right now (I’d rather try to help out with the custom collision buffers first since that would be a huge benefit to my game.)

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