Dragon Bones no save file Spine,no Preview ,no save JSON Binary

Hi, I just explored some tools of DRAGON BONES, but I find that it is not exported in Spine, Dragon Bones JSON or Dragon Bones Binary. By pressing the Finish button, the box just closes and when I go to the folder in which it is assumed that It was exported, I can’t find any files.

The box that says the operation was successful does not appear

I don’t know if it’s something from the login but I already did it and still nothing.


I have no experience working with Dragonbones and perhaps something has changed. Anyone use it recently?

  1. Try logging in first, they might not let you export because you’re not a member. DB is free AFAIK.

  2. When exporting for spine json select 2.1 for version.
    First export the images, you’ll need this for the atlas.
    Then export using atlas. For some reason this specific version makes the animation work inside Defold, when I export with images the character is empty because it expects some sort of skins. Spine is working with skins, the default name of a skin is ‘default’.

  • DB has no skins support yet, to simulate skinning u have to do it via code. Something similat to this:
    local archer1_HandBowBone = spine.get_go(“archer1#spinemodel”, “HandBowBone”)
    msg.post(".", “set_parent”, {parent_id = archer1_HandBowBone})

the setup: archer1 is the GO containing the spinemodel
This short script parents the HandBowBone bone to a GO containing the sprite look that I need. So basically the bone now parents an the GO that the script belongs to. It’s messy because I’m testing around.

Hope this helps!