Drag to scroll britzl example question (SOLVED)

Hello, I wanted to ask about britzl example about drag and scroll, I download the example from GitHub after I saw was written in forum as I want make sth in my game
but when I run the example up and right does not seem the map only saw a black screen. Don’t know why happens this. Also is the camera can set to be certain width and height what shows? Thanks

I don’t mean the black out of tiles screen I mean black where is tiles still

Also if I put static collision bounds around screen of game is a possibility camera if have a collision object not to go out of game screen or this must do other way by put bounds till when can scroll in code. Thanks

I am trying this I found in forum says about collision but I think sth I do wrong

now I understand what happens in britzl example is out of tiles to render please put as solved

Happy to hear that you solved the problem on your own!

Yes just took me 5 hours to see what I was doing wrong on my code…Lol