Don't Get Crushed - My first game with defold

i recently discovered defold and i am working on my first game.
Before i started with defold i tryed UnrealEngine, Unity and Gamemaker and i failed :confused:
Defold seems to be the engine i was looking for.

DontGetCrushed is a 2D game, where your have to survive as long als you can.
Your hero is living in a simple, black and white colored world. Pillars on the top and pillars on the bottom are the only things in this world.
And a timer.
If the timer runs out, the ceiling will fall down to crush your hero!
Its your job to detect the pillar which is small enough, to let you survive between the top and bottom ones.

I have a full playable game already, but still many things to do.

My todo list:

  • Add app icon
  • Fix sound crackling (maybe soundfiles crappy or some codestuff)

I made this thread to get some sort of feedback an motivation, that keeps me working on the game :slight_smile:
Additionaly i hope that some native english speakers correct and improve my english texts because im realy uncertain about my words and grammar :see_no_evil:

Greetings, LosJustos


Nice game! Love the mechanics :slight_smile: Nevertheless, it would be nice to add some other mechanics to make game more diverse.

  • Added a collectable item. It increases your “bonuscoins” with which you can get spells and skins later on.
  • Added button to crush instant. You can now go faster through the first “easy” levels
  • Redesigned the game over screen.
  • Fixed some hero spawn issues




Finally published my game into the appstore :slight_smile: :tada::heart_eyes:


Congrats on publishing!

It is easier to play on mobile. Easier to spot correct placement. Still very challenging game. My highest score is only 12 >_<

Does the hero have a name?

I made the timer slower, than in HTML Version. :sweat_smile: But i noticed that its hard enough for most people :slight_smile:

I just call him hero. What name would you give him?


I didn’t have anything in mind, just curious.

Game over screen is excellent. Sad hero, hero is sad.:rofl:

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I love the mechanics, brilliant idea.
You should definitely polish this game. A specially, GUI design need to be more balanced.