I love this thread! A sincere thanks to each one of you who took their time and energy to reply here.
Now let me put my devil’s advocate hat here and actually back @Mitch, as he has a point.
Many Defold users (including the Defold team who also use Defold, prooflink) kinds of got used to what Defold is and how to use it. How to embrace the features and how to umm… skip/workaround/not focus on whatever Defold is not excellent at. And then we sometimes make everything harder for the newer Defold users, who don’t yet have the battle scars required to embrace Defold. Any many of them perhaps will drop Defold before earning that scars.
I personally did huge efforts to document all the onboardings where people were able to successfully befriend Defold and pass the steep learning curve. The problem was… there was little in common except for “I looked into the examples by @britzl, @benjames171, @sven @younameit and learned how to do things”. I haven’t figured out how to translate it into a successful onboarding video/manual/tutorial yet… But all ideas are welcome!
I am trying to say, the feedback focused on what Defold is not good at is also useful. Perhaps, we don’t think we are in a position to act immediately upon this particular case. But we did react fast each time @connor.halford brought in sets of frustrations, or when @marat.giliazov did it recently, because we knew how to.
Also this is the reason we are so open on how and why we prioritise feature requests and bugreports.
Finally, this post is a friendly reminder to myself to be open to all feedback, and value it even perhaps if there are not immediate action points at the moment.