Ooh, unless I’ve missed an update:
An option for “Un-linking” a prefab GO from the saved GO file when adding it to a scene manually. As it stands the last time I checked, if you add multiples of the same saved GO object to a scene and then change certain parameters on one of them (such as deleting the collision object, changing the sprite, etc) it affects all of them. It would be nice to have an option (maybe a pop-up when you add it “do you want this to be editable or always update to the saved GO?”) to use GOs as a sort of higher level prefab.
This is probably already possible with “collections” vs “GOs”, but my 2nd request would be to get rid of collections-as-prefabs/collection factories and just stick with regular GO factories, and allow saved GOs to have child GOs the same as they can in the collection/scene. I realize that behind the scenes this likely would just be a “collection,” but I think the whole idea of Collection Factories, Collection Proxies, using a Collection File to create something that in a scene Collection you can make by stacking GOs…is a confusing thing, especially for beginners, which makes the idea/definition/usage of Collections pretty blurry. IMHO Collections should be for Proxies (new levels, new physics worlds, etc) and prefabs should be able to be built as multi-level GO files and added to Collections as pre-built GO hierarchies.