

I have the build/deploy bash script for all my Defold project. So, I want to publish it now
(yea, yet another builder script :smiley:)

How to install and full instructions see on github:
Github link:


  • Single deployment script on all Defold projects (Android, iOS, HTML5, Linux, MacOS, Windows)
  • One command to build, deploy and read logs from the mobile
  • Global and custom settings on project (provisions, bob version, etc)
  • Save your time on preparing debug && release builds
  • Nice naming builds to save history of product versions
  • Auto bob.jar downloading. Flag use_latest_bob for using always last version of Defold
  • Select Bob channel (stable/beta/alpha) and Defold build server via settings file
  • Use incremental value for last number in version (enable via enable incremental version )
  • Headless build && run for your unit-tests on CI
  • Add additional info to game.project: project.commit_sha and time
  • Android Instant build in one command ( deployer abr --instant )
  • Redownload dependencies, if they are corrupted


bash [a][i][h][w][l][m][r][b][d] [--fast] [--no-resolve] [--instant] [--settings {filename}] [--headless]

  • a - add target platform Android
  • i - add target platform iOS
  • h - add target platform HTML5
  • w - add target platform Windows
  • l - add target platform Linux
  • m - add target platform MacOS
  • r - set build mode to Release
  • b - build project (game bundle will be in ./dist/bundle/ folder)
  • d - deploy bundle && run to connected device. Auto start logging from connected device (only start bundle on dekstop builds)
  • --settings {filename} - add settings file to build params. Can be used several times
  • --fast - build without resolve and only one Android platform (for faster builds)
  • --headless - set mode to headless. Override release mode
  • --no-resolve - build without dependency resolve
  • --instant - it preparing bundle for Android Instant Apps. Always in release mode

For example, the most popular command for me:
deployer adb - build debug android build, deploy and run bundle on connected device + start logging to console