Defold 1.9.1 BETA

Offf you cannot still edit .md files. What is the use of being able to open it in Defold editor if you cannot edit it.

.md files are really useful for explaining content, in particular for tutorials (open: New Project, From Tutorial). I find this way of learning much better than (passive) YouTube. It would be handy to be able to open them in edit mode, however it is no big deal, there more text editors in the world than you can shake a stick at. Creating a monolithic IDE that does everything is asking for trouble. It will probably magically be added at some point in future time.

Yep there is a lot of text editors that can open an .md file but that is not my point, its about convenience. Defold has an built-in code editor which is picked by default but it being unable to edit a simple .md file causes editor separation. It took a lot of time to configure sublime as an external editor and vs code extensions create .vscode folders for all your projects which makes them redundant and annoying. That’s why being able to use built-in editor would be great instead of switching to another software. Besides I do not think this would involve much work since built-in editor is able to edit other utf-8 encoded files like .json

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Except you don’t have to set up Defold with an external editor to change an MD file. :sweat_smile:

You can right-click and “Show in Desktop”, and open the file in your standard text editor with one more double-click.

In 1.9.1, the goal was to clean up how the editor works with internal and external editors. As part of this goal, the old text viewer was replaced with the main code editor in read-only mode.

We have a separate task to add the ability to edit *.md and some other files, and it will be implemented at some point.


Two small fixes for 1.9.1 added


Tryed beta today. Something was wrong with font outline (zero) in web.
Only in web. In editor it was correct.

Problem with bundle.

When build from editor fonts correct.
When bundle (web, windows) outline alpha was missed. And set to 1 as default, when need to be another value.

Looks like outline was vector 4. Now it vector 3 + outiline_alpha value

Don’t use text shadows in my project. But i think they also can have same problem


Problems with outline alpha. On some labels after i upgrade project to new file format.

nodes {
  position {
    y: 5.0
  scale {
    x: 0.9
    y: 0.9
  size {
    x: 200.0
    y: 100.0
  color {
    x: 0.502
    y: 0.6
  type: TYPE_TEXT
  text: "Privacy policy"
  font: "game_font"
  id: "text"
  outline {
    x: 0.6
    y: 0.502
    z: 0.902
  shadow {
    x: 1.0
    y: 1.0
    z: 1.0
  parent: "btn_privacy/root"
  inherit_alpha: true
  outline_alpha: 0.0
  text_leading: 0.0
  text_tracking: 0.02

outline_alpha: 0.0 but in bundle it always 1


Thank you for reporting it. Could you please create an issue on GitHub so that we can start an investigation?

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I can create it tomorrow in morning. I will try not to forget:)

It seems like you are talking about GUI not labels, right? Because I can’t reproduce it with labels (I haven’t tried GUI yet)

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yes, sorry. It is gui text node

I think I found what the problem is, it would be nice if you can test this version with a fix (it’s not merged yet)


Awesome speed) I am not so fast at creating issues or repro case😂

I will check tomorrow morning, thanks


Thanks, I checked. It was fixed :partying_face:


The fix is available in beta now


1.91. Beta seems to cause an issue with Yoga

Yoga is rather superb - and essential to my work - but the extension hasn’t been updated in over a year.

Is there a quick fix to get it working again with 1.9.1?

	com.defold.extender.ExtenderException: /usr/local/extender-production/sdk/a145a7ea9ab4865ee2f0c92c93bbf56b86445161/defoldsdk/extender/build.yml:1: error: Cannot create property=platforms for JavaBean=com.defold.extender.Configuration@7749417f
 in 'string', line 1, column 1:
Cannot create property=csSourceRe for JavaBean=com.defold.extender.PlatformConfig@5d5c7810
 in 'string', line 78, column 5:
Unable to find property 'csSourceRe' on class: com.defold.extender.PlatformConfig
 in 'string', line 120, column 21:
        csSourceRe:     '(?i).*(\.cs)'
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Do you use build-stage extender with Beta version?

Not knowingly - not sure what it is! Just installed a beta version for first time today.

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use here

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