It seems like you are talking about GUI not labels, right? Because I can’t reproduce it with labels (I haven’t tried GUI yet)
yes, sorry. It is gui text node
I think I found what the problem is, it would be nice if you can test this version with a fix (it’s not merged yet)
Awesome speed) I am not so fast at creating issues or repro case😂
I will check tomorrow morning, thanks
Thanks, I checked. It was fixed
The fix is available in beta now
1.91. Beta seems to cause an issue with Yoga
Yoga is rather superb - and essential to my work - but the extension hasn’t been updated in over a year.
Is there a quick fix to get it working again with 1.9.1?
com.defold.extender.ExtenderException: /usr/local/extender-production/sdk/a145a7ea9ab4865ee2f0c92c93bbf56b86445161/defoldsdk/extender/build.yml:1: error: Cannot create property=platforms for JavaBean=com.defold.extender.Configuration@7749417f
in 'string', line 1, column 1:
Cannot create property=csSourceRe for JavaBean=com.defold.extender.PlatformConfig@5d5c7810
in 'string', line 78, column 5:
Unable to find property 'csSourceRe' on class: com.defold.extender.PlatformConfig
in 'string', line 120, column 21:
csSourceRe: '(?i).*(\.cs)'
Do you use build-stage extender with Beta version?
Not knowingly - not sure what it is! Just installed a beta version for first time today.