Defold 1.6.1 BETA

Defold 1.6.1 BETA

The latest beta is now released, and we invite those interested in beta testing the new features in the editor and engine to join now.
The beta period will be 2 weeks and the next planned stable release is two weeks from now.

We hope this new workflow will highlight any issues earlier, and also get valuable feedback from our users. And please comment if you come up with ideas on improving on this new workflow.

Please report any engine issues in this thread or in issues using Help → Report Issue

Thx for helping out!


This is a BETA release, and it might have issues that could potentially be disruptive for you and your teams workflow. Use with caution. Use of source control for your projects is strongly recommended.

Access to the beta

Download the editor or bob.jar from

Set your build server to

Release notes


  • NEW: (#8037) Paged atlas support for GUI
  • NEW: (#8056) Bob doesn’t build resources at all with --exclude-archive argument
  • NEW: (#8072) Toggle visibility of object using shortcut
  • NEW: (#8085) Add quick help page
  • FIX: (#7990) Removed the skeleton property from the .animationset resource.
  • FIX: (#8025) Use pixel coordinates for sprite attribute local space
  • FIX: (#8054) Added atlas image rename functionality
  • FIX: (#8067) Use AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED to unqueue OpenAL buffers
  • FIX: (#8075) Cap HTML5 loading progress at 100%
  • FIX: (#8084) Rebuilt glslc for macOS 11
  • FIX: (#8089) Updated spirv-cross/spirv-opt for macOS 11 for Intel machines
  • FIX: (#8087) Apply the scale from the factory.create arguments to the 3D trigger
  • FIX: (#8104) Fixed error reporting for Project.getResource()
  • FIX: (#8119) Log listener crash
  • FIX: (#8115) Added lipo tool for all host platforms
  • FIX: (#8107) Escape underscore in menu
    Update 2023-10-10:
  • FIX: (#8038) Added support for multiple animated nodes in a .gltf file
  • FIX: (# 8134) Fix issue with window focus on macOS Sonoma (14.0)
  • FIX: (# 8114) Revert to old sound library for HTML5
  • FIX: (# 8143) Fix issue when Component Counter doesn’t take into account all Dynamic Prototype checkboxes


NEW: (#8037) Paged atlas support for GUI
GUI components can now use paged atlases and materials.

NEW: (#8056) Bob doesn’t build resources at all with --exclude-archive argument
Fixes issue when Bob just doesn’t include resources into the bundle when using --exclude-archive but still builds everything. Now, Bob skips resource building because it’s a waste of time in cases the user want a contenless bundle.

FIX: (#7990) Removed the skeleton property from the .animationset resource.
We’ve removed the skeleton property from the .animationset resource.
This allows us to better match animation names with bone names at runtime.

The root bone of a skeleton is now also always renamed to root, making it easier to use similar code in engine/scripting.

FIX: (#8025) Use pixel coordinates for sprite attribute local space
Fixed an issue where using the local coordinate space for a custom vertex stream used by a sprite produced coordinates in the [-0.5, 0.5] range. We now produce the data in pixel coordinates instead, which is already what the editor was doing prior.

FIX: (#8054) Added atlas image rename functionality
We’ve added the property Rename patterns to the Atlas resource type.
This will facilitate easier coupling of animations between multiple atlases, and is a first step towards multiple texture support for Sprites.

The property is a list of , separated patterns, where each pattern is a =separated string of the format <src>=<dst>.
Examples of Atlas imaged renaming

  • Pattern: _normal= - An image of the name hat_normalhat.
  • Pattern: hat=cat,_normal= - An image of the name hat_normalcat.

FIX: (#8067) Use AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED to unqueue OpenAL buffers
The OpenAL library for HTML5 seems to work a bit differently than the other platforms.
Instead of removing the processed buffers, we remove the queued buffers explicitly.

FIX: (#8075) Cap HTML5 loading progress at 100%
Make sure the HTML5 loader progress does not go beyond 100%

FIX: (#8084) Rebuilt glslc for macOS 11
The glslc for Intel macOS, was accidentally build for a newer macOS version.
It is now rebuilt for our minimum supported version macOS 11.

FIX: (#8089) Updated spirv-cross/spirv-opt for macOS 11 for Intel machines

FIX: (#8087) Apply the scale from the factory.create arguments to the 3D trigger
It turned out that the engine didn’t apply the scale to the 3D trigger when an object was created from a factory or a collectionfactory. The pull request fixes the issue.

FIX: (#8104) Fixed error reporting for Project.getResource()
Fixed an issue where the error reporting for Project.getResource() wouldn’t output which game project property was missing.

FIX: (#8119) Log listener crash
We have an issue when unregistering log listeners, making it go out of bounds.

FIX: (#8115) Added lipo tool for all host platforms
This will allow bob.jar to bundle macOS on all platforms. An example use case it building on continuous integration servers.

FIX: (#8038) Added support for multiple animated nodes in a .gltf file

Previously, we assumed that the first model in the scene was the one that was used for skinning.
However, that didn’t cover all the use cases, and instead we now render all the models in the scene.

Additionally, we now also list all the animations from a .gltf/.glb file when it’s selected as the animation set for a .model component. Previously, it always only selected the longest animation in the file.
The previous behavior for .animationset's is not changed, any animation files used in an animation set will only pick one animation (the longest), just as before.

Also, if there is a mesh in the model, that isn’t skinned, but is a child to a bone, then that model will not be skinned at runtime, but get assigned a non-skinned material (if it didn’t already have one)

Added model.set_mesh_enabled() and model.get_mesh_enabled() to control visibility of meshes within a scene.

FIX: (#8134) Fix issue with window focus on macOS Sonoma (14.0)

Fixed issue when on macOS Sonoma (14.0) game window started without focus on it.

FIX: (# 8114) Revert to old sound library for HTML5

Due to some issues with the Emscripten OpenAL sound library, we decided to go back to our previous sound library for now.
We’ll revisit the issues that are affected by this change.

FIX: (# 8143) Fix issue when Component Counter doesn’t take into account all Dynamic Prototype checkboxes

Fixed issue when in some cases Dynamic Prototype checkbox isn’t detected and collection does not switch mode to using of the game.project 's counters.


NEW: (#8072) #5476: Toggle visibility of object using shortcut
Support Ctrl + E to toggle show/hide objects.

NEW: (#8085) #5990: Add quick help page
Added a quick help page when no files are open.

FIX: (#8107) Escape underscore in menu
Fixes an issue where ‘_’ was not shows in the Recent Files menu.


Thank you! This is much appreciated guys, and so quick!


Thank you for fixing the console height issue!


Small issue and I don’t know from which version it is not working, because I only used it recently, but the Ctrl + + shortcut for increasing font size is not working on my ubuntu 20.04 (same for decreasing). It works on Windows. I only checked it out, because I needed to increase font size for a video :sweat_smile:

Other issue is related to other shortcut Ctrl+E (I then tested all shortcuts) for showing/hiding selected objects (but I used it from Script Editor context and thus produced an error):

Updated release notes with #8038, better support for animated models and model.set_mesh_enabled()


extension-spine has issues with 1.6.1.
The example project looks like this, and sometimes crashes

And which version of extension-spine are you using?

latest / main branch

Not sure if it’s introduced in this version, but here’s bug I found:

  1. toggle off go’s visibility
  2. delete go with visibility set to off
  3. rename any go to the name of already deleted go

Result: go will become invisible
As a side note, this bug does not persist between editor reopening. (It persists between collection reopening tho.)

1 Like

I don’t think this was introduced in this version. Could you please create an issue on GH?

1 Like

Beta updated with one more fix.


We’ve pushed a fix for the beta now, it should be ready in ~40-50 minutes.
After it’s available, you need to update to the latest extension-spine 2.13.0 which uses the fix.


Two more fixes in Beta 1.6.1


When testing audio on phone using html5 it causes a crash, a minimal project including the the crash log has been attached to this post. :pray: (1.4 MB)


I came here to report a similar gui particle crash we found in our game.
It can be reproduced in - run from editor and select timer → cancel_timer.

Callstack (on Mac )
Assertion failed: (info.m_ValuePtr), function WriteParticleVertex, file particle.cpp, line 1084.
INFO:CRASH: Successfully wrote Crashdump to file: /Users/dri/Library/Application Support/Defold/_crash
ERROR:CRASH: 0   dmengine                            0x0000000101055780 _ZN7dmCrash7OnCrashEi + 104
ERROR:CRASH: 1   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x00000001a1392a24 _sigtramp + 56
ERROR:CRASH: 2   libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00000001a1363c28 pthread_kill + 288
ERROR:CRASH: 3   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00000001a1271ae8 abort + 180
ERROR:CRASH: 4   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00000001a1270e44 err + 0
ERROR:CRASH: 5   dmengine                            0x00000001010f4944 _ZN10dmParticleL19WriteParticleVertexERKNS_28ParticleVertexAttributeInfosEPhRKN10Vectormath3Aos7Vector3ES8_RKNS5_7Vector4EPff.cold.2 + 0
ERROR:CRASH: 6   dmengine                            0x0000000100fdb11c _ZN10dmParticleL19WriteParticleVertexERKNS_28ParticleVertexAttributeInfosEPhRKN10Vectormath3Aos7Vector3ES8_RKNS5_7Vector4EPff + 300
ERROR:CRASH: 7   dmengine                            0x0000000100fd404c _ZN10dmParticle18GenerateVertexDataEPNS_7ContextEfjjRKNS_28ParticleVertexAttributeInfosERKN10Vectormath3Aos7Vector4EPvjPj + 2760
ERROR:CRASH: 8   dmengine                            0x0000000100e7857c _ZN12dmGameSystemL21RenderParticlefxNodesEPN5dmGui5SceneEPKNS0_11RenderEntryEPKN10Vectormath3Aos7Matrix4EPKfPPKNS0_12StencilScopeEjPNS_16RenderGuiContextE + 840
ERROR:CRASH: 9   dmengine                            0x0000000100e760b4 _ZN12dmGameSystemL11RenderNodesEPN5dmGui5SceneEPKNS0_11RenderEntryEPKN10Vectormath3Aos7Matrix4EPKfPPKNS0_12StencilScopeEjPv + 1784
ERROR:CRASH: 10  dmengine                            0x0000000101040134 _ZN5dmGui11RenderSceneEPNS_5SceneERKNS_17RenderSceneParamsEPv + 3132
ERROR:CRASH: 11  dmengine                            0x0000000100e73728 _ZN12dmGameSystemL13CompGuiRenderERKN12dmGameObject22ComponentsRenderParamsE + 524
ERROR:CRASH: 12  dmengine                            0x0000000100e4b6a4 _ZN12dmGameObject6RenderEPNS_16CollectionHandleE + 176
ERROR:CRASH: 13  dmengine                            0x0000000100e6d6a4 _ZN12dmGameSystem25CompCollectionProxyRenderERKN12dmGameObject22ComponentsRenderParamsE + 124
ERROR:CRASH: 14  dmengine                            0x0000000100e4b6a4 _ZN12dmGameObject6RenderEPNS_16CollectionHandleE + 176
ERROR:CRASH: 15  dmengine                            0x0000000100df8498 _ZN8dmEngine4StepEPNS_6EngineE + 916
ERROR:CRASH: 16  dmengine                            0x0000000100df8a28 _Z14dmEngineUpdatePN8dmEngine6EngineE + 32
ERROR:CRASH: 17  dmengine                            0x0000000100df9440 _ZN8dmEngine7RunLoopEPKNS_13RunLoopParamsE + 104
ERROR:CRASH: 18  dmengine                            0x0000000100df93c4 _Z11engine_mainiPPc + 88
ERROR:CRASH: 19  dyld                                0x00000001a100bf28 start + 2236

We have a fix for the particle issue building in the beta now. It should be available in ~45-50 minutes.