Defold 1.2.85 has been released

Defold 1.2.85

We have now updated our HTML5 platform to use the latest Facebook Open Graph API, v2.6.
We also added some extra fixes for HTML5: The “/me” call now returns the correct fields,
the permission flags are now correctly supported and we also added a string constant facebook.GRAPH_API_VERSION (string)
to reflect the current api version that we use.

We’ve also added support for determining if a (mobile) app was activated during a push notification.
It is done with an added boolean argument to the push listener callback

We’ve also improved on our documentation, examples and search function on the web.


  • DEF-1671 - Update: Updated Graph API version to v2.6
  • DEF-1592 - Added: Add support for determining if the app was opened from a notification or not
  • DEF-1959 - Fixed: Improved debug info on sys.load errors
  • DEF-1773 - Fixed: Build HTML and launch now uses debug executable


  • The api search function now also lists messages
  • DEF-1573 - Update: Input manual has been updated with a section on MARKED_TEXT input.
  • DEF-1884 - Update: Project settings manual has been updated to cover all available settings.
  • DEF-1941 - Fixed: Descriptions and examples for all vmath api functions.

(The documentation changes might not be available online until tomorrow morning…)


Documentation is now live on the web. Enjoy!