Defold 1.2.70 has been released

This release adds a new store option for Android devices along with a few minor bug fixes.

We have added support for Amazon Store through the current iap API. A new option has been added to game.project (iap_provider under Android section) to choose which store to use, valid values are “Amazon” and “GooglePlay”. (Please see the separate note below for changes if you are using a custom AndroidManifest.xml.)

New features

  • Added: Support for the Amazon 2.0 store

Bug fixes

  • Fixed: Better error message when max_sound_data is reached.
  • Fixed: Facebook activateApp/deactivateApp event support to Android
  • Fixed: Missing request_id result field in iOS FB game request dialog.


Some changes are necessary if you are using a custom AndroidManifest.xml:

The Google IAP activity has been renamed and you will need to change any entries with:
Into this:

To get Amazon store support you will need to add the following section:

<!-- For Amazon IAP -->
<receiver android:name="" >
        <action android:name="" android:permission="" />

Again, these changes are only needed if you are using a custom AndroidManifest.xml!