This release adds a new render list functionality to the underlying rendering pipeline. Previously, rendering was batched per component type (and sorted by Z value) causing unexpected results when trying to interleave different component types. For instance, drawing a sprite between two tile maps required a cumbersome workaround. The new render list fixes this while keeping maximum batching given a set of renderables and order.
New features
- Render order
- Added a “group” field for trigger_response collision messages.
Bug fixes
- Animation speed for playback mode go.PLAYBACK_LOOP_PINGPONG is fixed.
- Dev app console log no longer disappears after app wakeup.
- Changing the name of a sound file now refactors. Also, ogg files added as resource type which sound can reference.
- When renaming a game object, factories that reference that game object now refactors.
- Editor heap-size increased to 2 Gb.
- Multitouch single touch input did not work as expected on Android.
- Fix for texture scaling / 9-slicing using atlases.
- Music did not stop playing when app entered sleep mode on Android.
Documentation updates
We have added a new, quite extensive tutorial for a complete little game called “Magic Link”. Try the game and enjoy the tutorial here.