Defold 1.2.148 has been released

Simple example for dmJson (for parsing and accessing m_Nodes) would be very useful. Try->Build->Fail->Try-Build->Fail is a long processes for NEs


So, what’s the solution to exports not working when using the app manifest generator?

I assume you mean your particular problem with removing Facebook on HTML5?
We will investigate what the solution will be. Do you have a deadline for your project?

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Yeah, ticking all the boxes except audio and input an exporting a Facebook Instant project. Deadline beginning of April, so I can use the temporary solution until then. Thanks!

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Not sure if someone already reported the issue, but since a few versions (not sure which one), on tilemaps exported from Tiled only one layer is visible on Defold GUI (usually the bottom one), but it renders perfectly in-game.

Hmm, only on those exported from Tiled?

I just checked, in fact it looks like it’s just because all layers have Z set to 0.

I think we recently made a change to how tilemap layers are shown in the editor. If multiple layers are on the same z-value the order is undefined.

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Were you able to find what was causing this issue? More info above.

I know @sven and @jhonny.goransson looked into this.

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This has unfortunately fallen between the famous chairs so to speak. I’m terribly sorry for this. I’ve created DEF-3854 and it will be fixed in 1.2.150 in two weeks.


Brilliant! Thanks for the update.

Regarding the DEF-3854, it was an issue in the manifestation tool. It accidentally removed a library from another extension (the iap module). We’re fixing the tool right now.

The correct appmanifest snippet for HTML5 can be found here.


It’s fixed.

I upgraded to 1.2.150 and updated the manifest using the app manifest generator. Now I get a strange error when exporting to Facebook Instant HTML5:

Am I missing something? (1.1 KB)

Ah, yes that’s another thing I forgot to mention in the release notes.
That the html5 engine_template.html has been updated to have fewer hard coded parameter names (e.g. DEFOLD_APP_TITLE became project.title etc)

It seems you have a custom engine_template.html and are using DEFOLD_ENGINE for something?
Our own template file doesn’t use this key.

Instead of using DEFOLD_ENGINE you can use exe-name, and also add “.js” youself.


I’ve fixed index.html in , now it should work out of the box.