Defold 1.2.136 has been released

Defold 1.2.136

This release upgrades the Facebook SDK on Android and iOS from 4.4.0 to 4.7.0.
The Android SDK has been patched to support api levels < 15.

Support for Xbox 360 wireless controllers has also been added,
along with several bug fixes and performance improvements.


  • DEF-1958 - Added: Facebook SDK upgrade to 4.7.0 from 4.4.0 (Android and iOS).
  • DEF-3448 - Added: Wireless 360 controller support for OSX.
  • DEF-3404 - Fixed: Fixes issues with push notifications on Android 8+.
  • DEF-3455 - Fixed: Fixed spine crash from Editor 2 pipeline data.
  • DEF-3366 - Fixed: Autosize on GUI nodes incorrect if texture is scaled/resized by pipeline.
  • DEF-3138 - Fixed: Sound plays for one frame even though the group gain is 0.
  • DEF-3211 - Fixed: Some Dragonbones spine scenes break while bundling.
  • DEF-3462 - Fixed: Fixed documentation for webview.set_position()
  • DEF-3479 - Fixed: Fixed API check before attempting to login with facebook

What exactly issue it was?

@sven or @britzl knows better than me

Well, the issue was that if you set targetSdkVersion to 26 in your Android manifest then push notifications didn’t work. There was a change in the NotificationBuilder, requiring a notification channel as an extra argument on SDK version 26+.


Do you mean 4.7.0 - October 7, 2015 ? (
I interested, because I see this message in facebook dashboard:


I’m not sure why we chose that particular version, but I believe we want the lowest supported version for the devices. Perhaps @Johan_Beck-Noren knows more?


I received an email from Facebook:


me too

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Facebook will automatically update Graph API calls which means that even though an SDK might be old and use an old Graph API version it should in a majority of cases still work. How do you use the Facebook SDK in your specific case? For login only or more?

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Only facebook analytics =)

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login (facebook.login_with_read_permissions) and analytics (facebook.post_event)