Defold 1.2.116 has been released

Defold 1.2.116

This release adds support of spine skin color, ability to set the use of accelerometer events and various other fixes.


  • DEF-2578 - Added: Spine skin color support.
  • DEF-2821 - Added: Added support for binary strings in the scripting CheckTable/PushTable.
  • DEF-1396 - Added: Added input.use_accelerometer to game.project to control accelerometer events.
  • DEF-2908 - Changed: Removed x86-linux and x86-darwin from the bundle step.
  • DEF-1286 - Fixed: Discard the z-component when checking length of 2D raycast.
  • DEF-2936 - Fixed: Spine animated tint applied twice in some cases.
  • DEF-2938 - Fixed: Engine now handles .wav files with superfluous data.
  • DEF-2934 - Fixed: Crash when returning data in builtin functions (init, update etc).
  • DEF-2633 - Fixed: http.request() failed for some https connections.
  • DEF-1929 - Added: Ability to determine if the game is running on a debug build (sys.get_engine_info().is_debug)

What does it mean?

For now Editor2 has no this option (is this option avaliable only by hand editing?)

Regarding “binary strings” is that you can have strings that are not pure c-strings: s = "hello" .. string.char(0) .. "world". E.g. a byte array. In our code, we previously assumed it was a c string (a null terminated string), whereas Lua supports binary strings.

Regarding the input.use_accelerometer, I will look into it, and see why it doesn’t show up properly in the Editor 2.

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What’s this?

Was Editor2 not updated properly? The date seems correct, but the version number is still 1.2.115?


It’s updated, just not the right version number in about.

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Amendment to release notes (due to myself not labelling my commits properly):

  • DEF-1929 Ability to determine if the game is running on a debug build (sys.get_engine_info().is_debug)

Hi! No, editor 2 has not been updated properly. We’ll look into this immediately!


Since before we support slot color (tint) which can be constant or animated. What we added support for now is setting a constant tint to skin attachments as well. This could allow for more color variants to get reusability and variants of the same file.


Alright, 1.2.116 should come in an update soon. “Use accelerometer” will be a checkbox, @Pkeod - I’m guessing you added the field manually? User added/unknown settings are presented as text fields since we don’t know it’s type.

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I didn’t add the field manually it was there when I updated.

Edit: I had the platformer example open at the time which did have it manually set and I didn’t notice before. :man_facepalming:

project - Notepad


Hi and thanks for the release!
I will immediately go through my “workarounds” for binary strings.
is_debug will definitely come in handy as well for us.


@gregor.gullwi, @Pkeod Thanks for being so attentive!