Dear ImGUI for Defold

Thank you for sharing a project where this can be tested. Could you please also create a ticket on GitHub? Having a ticket on GitHub will mean that I can keep track of it and that others can help solve it.

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Trying to use imgui to make debug menu for game.

Backspace not worked(

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How can i understand that imgui capture input.

I have debug imgui window, and game.

When i click on imgui game also get input. I need to ignore input in game if this input is used in debug window?

I look at code for window. I see result and is_open
bool result = ImGui::Begin(title, is_open_ptr, flags);
lua_pushboolean(L, result);
lua_pushboolean(L, is_open);

result is true for every frame. So it is not input)

I don’t find ways to check input. But i can check is window is opened. So if debug window is opened i can ignore input in game

I am sure there is a way to figure out if imgui consumed an event or not. Your scenario should be very common. You can create a feature request on GitHub

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Yes, it was easy) This feature already supported

local capture = imgui.want_mouse_input() or imgui.want_keyboard_input()

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Hi! First of all, thanks for an awesome tool!
Is there any way to use сyrillic characters in imgui? I got “???” instead of my text.
The .ttf that i use contains cyrillic.

Looks similar to: Cyrillic fonts. ImGUI, OpenGL, SDL2, Python · Issue #5967 · ocornut/imgui · GitHub

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I studied this doc:
Seems like i need to call something like:
io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF(“font.ttf”, size_pixels, nullptr, io.Fonts->GetGlyphRangesCyrillic());
As i understand there’s no way for now to add custom glyphs range when adding font from lua

I tried to change this line

ImFont* font = io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF(ttf_filename, font_size, nullptr, io.Fonts->GetGlyphRangesCyrillic());
and it worked for me. However it would be better to have a possibility to select required range from lua

Please create a feature request on GitHub!

:ok_hand: Done


Thanks for lua bindings :defold:. Imgui is awesome :heart:
This is example of level editor in imgui


Nice! I see that you are using ImGuizmo. I’ve wanted to try it out myself. Was it easy to get started with?

Yes it was easy. I just copy imgui in project. Add gizmo imguizmo.h and imguizmo.cpp.
Then add dirty binding:)
It take about one evening.

void Matrix4ToFloatArray(const dmVMath::Matrix4& matrix, float* outArray) {
    // Retrieve the columns of the matrix
    dmVMath::Vector4 col0 = matrix.getCol0();
    dmVMath::Vector4 col1 = matrix.getCol1();
    dmVMath::Vector4 col2 = matrix.getCol2();
    dmVMath::Vector4 col3 = matrix.getCol3();

    // Fill the output array in column-major order
    outArray[0]  = col0.getX();
    outArray[1]  = col0.getY();
    outArray[2]  = col0.getZ();
    outArray[3]  = col0.getW();

    outArray[4]  = col1.getX();
    outArray[5]  = col1.getY();
    outArray[6]  = col1.getZ();
    outArray[7]  = col1.getW();

    outArray[8]  = col2.getX();
    outArray[9]  = col2.getY();
    outArray[10] = col2.getZ();
    outArray[11] = col2.getW();

    outArray[12] = col3.getX();
    outArray[13] = col3.getY();
    outArray[14] = col3.getZ();
    outArray[15] = col3.getW();

static int imgui_Gizmo(lua_State* L) {
    int argc = lua_gettop(L);

    const char* id = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
    uint32_t mode = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
    uint32_t operation = luaL_checkinteger(L, 3);
    // Extract the matrices from the Lua stack
    dmVMath::Matrix4 view = *dmScript::CheckMatrix4(L, 4);
    dmVMath::Matrix4 projection = *dmScript::CheckMatrix4(L, 5);
    dmVMath::Matrix4* gizmoMatrix = dmScript::CheckMatrix4(L, 6);

    // Convert the matrices to float arrays that ImGuizmo can use
    float viewMatrix[16];
    float projectionMatrix[16];
    float modelMatrix[16];

    Matrix4ToFloatArray(view, viewMatrix);
    Matrix4ToFloatArray(projection, projectionMatrix);
    Matrix4ToFloatArray(*gizmoMatrix, modelMatrix);

    // Set up gizmo operation, mode, and snapping settings
    ImGuizmo::OPERATION mCurrentGizmoOperation = static_cast<ImGuizmo::OPERATION>(operation);
    ImGuizmo::MODE mCurrentGizmoMode = static_cast<ImGuizmo::MODE>(mode);
    bool snap = false;
    float snap_values[3] = {0.1f, 0.1f, 0.01f};



    // Set the size of the gizmo manipulation area to the entire screen
    ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
    ImGuizmo::SetRect(0, 0, io.DisplaySize.x, io.DisplaySize.y);

    float deltaMatrix[16];
    // Apply the gizmo to the model matrix
    bool manipulate = ImGuizmo::Manipulate(viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, mCurrentGizmoOperation, mCurrentGizmoMode, modelMatrix, deltaMatrix, snap ? snap_values : NULL);

    // Copy the manipulated model matrix back to the Matrix4 type
    //gizmoMatrix->setCol0(dmVMath::Vector4(modelMatrix[0], modelMatrix[1], modelMatrix[2], modelMatrix[3]));
   // gizmoMatrix->setCol1(dmVMath::Vector4(modelMatrix[4], modelMatrix[5], modelMatrix[6], modelMatrix[7]));
  //  gizmoMatrix->setCol2(dmVMath::Vector4(modelMatrix[8], modelMatrix[9], modelMatrix[10], modelMatrix[11]));
   // gizmoMatrix->setCol3(dmVMath::Vector4(modelMatrix[12], modelMatrix[13], modelMatrix[14], modelMatrix[15]));
    lua_pushboolean(L, manipulate);
          // Convert the delta matrix to vmath.matrix4
        dmVMath::Matrix4 delta_matrix = dmVMath::Matrix4(
            dmVMath::Vector4(deltaMatrix[0], deltaMatrix[1], deltaMatrix[2], deltaMatrix[3]),
            dmVMath::Vector4(deltaMatrix[4], deltaMatrix[5], deltaMatrix[6], deltaMatrix[7]),
            dmVMath::Vector4(deltaMatrix[8], deltaMatrix[9], deltaMatrix[10], deltaMatrix[11]),
            dmVMath::Vector4(deltaMatrix[12], deltaMatrix[13], deltaMatrix[14], deltaMatrix[15])

        // Push the delta matrix to the Lua stack
        dmScript::PushMatrix4(L, delta_matrix);

    return manipulate ? 2 : 1;
local delta_matrix
		changed, delta_matrix = imgui.gizmo("selected_gizmo#selected_gizmo", self.gizmo.mode, self.gizmo.operation, RENDER.view, RENDER.proj,
		if changed then
			local delta_position = vmath.vector3()
			local delta_rotation = vmath.quat()
			local delta_scale = vmath.vector3()

			xmath.matrix_get_transforms(delta_matrix, delta_position, delta_scale, delta_rotation)
			if self.gizmo.operation == imgui.ImGuiGizmo_OPERATION_TRANSLATE then
				self:execute_command(, self.selected_object, object_cfg.position + delta_position))
			elseif self.gizmo.operation == imgui.ImGuiGizmo_OPERATION_ROTATE then
				self:execute_command(, self.selected_object, delta_rotation * object_cfg.rotation))
			elseif self.gizmo.operation == imgui.ImGuiGizmo_OPERATION_SCALE then
				self:execute_command(, self.selected_object, vmath.mul_per_elem(object_cfg.scale, delta_scale)))

Probably a noob question. Is it possible to use a drag float input field? If yes, could someone please give me some help how to?

Edit: same question about color picker.

Thank you so much!

I added it just now:

And a color picker in release 2.6.0:


@britzl Thank you! Your support is awesome as usual!

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