Crab Hammer

Hello everyone!
I’ve just released a new game called “Crab Hammer” on Yandex Games(later will upload the standalone versions on Itch).

It is 8-bit pixelated style platformer based on the beautiful assets by GrafxKid - (I modified the characters for the game)

Defold assets used:

The goal of the game is to find a crab hammer(mallet) on a level, avoiding cooks, and when the mallet is found - to hammer the cooks out! The Player have to hammer at least a minimum amount of cooks(written in the prompt area on the top of the level’s GUI) to proceed to the next level, but every cook hammered above the minimum threshold brings twice more points.

The idea of the game originates from murals on the walls of the seafood restaurant that I shot on my vacation in Redondo Beach, California in 2016:

I asked about the artist on reddit to add them onto credits page as an inspirer(, but no luck and there are no these murals there now unfortunately.

So, enjoy(I hope :slightly_smiling_face:) !