(Correction) Rive dependency looks like it breaks Android apps

You need to open game.project in a text editor and add the Android AdMob ids, as described here Defold AdMob extension API documentation.

If it still crashes, please share an unfiltered log from the moment you attempt to launch the app until it crashes.

Thanks for suggesting this, it made me do more testing which lead me to realise that I mistakenly put the blame on admob while it was the Rive extension all along.

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I’m sorry I did more testing and apparently it’s Rive, not admob that has a problem. I thought I had tried to run the empty bundle with just rive and that it worked but I bet I forgot to fetch the libraries before bundling! Thankfully I tried it again and found out that empty project with just Rive crashes just like my app.

I ended up rolling back to a version that worked just so I can do my sdk version update for the Play Store

Should I write a bug report on Rive extensions’s github?

Yes please do!