Cold Path - turn-based multiplayer strategy

227 / 5.000

Hi, I’m using google translator so sorry for any mistakes. I really love this game, I’ve been playing it since the middle of last year (2021) and so I would like to ask, have you ever thought about releasing it on a PC platform?


So I’m in America and the majority of people playing this game are russian. Could someone tell me a workaround so I can play with English players?

Currently there are no english servers. But now you can create your own.

Cold Path Server Sources are opened

Cold Path players can now create and set up a global server. The game server is highly customizable. There are already servers with modified gameplay (RP servers where wars for no reason are prohibited and you need to play the role of the ruler of your country by writing messages in the chat and Empire of 12 paths with new game features written using plugins)

The server is the core of the game. Here are all the main scripts for processing game actions and logic. Also there is networking here. The game server has been tested and online in the game is stable. Server is written in pure Lua.

I think this will be a useful example for other developers. License is MIT, you can use the source code to write your own project. I hope this helps you create your cool game.

Server sources:
Guide: Global servers - Cold Path


Just interesting screenshots and videos from the game community


Thanks for the help denis

How do i use boats?

Denis, just wanted to say congratulations for creating something which has brightened the lives of so many people. It’s a fantastic game


You need to build port

Thank you!
I still love the turn-based strategy genre and am working on a new Warnament game
Warnament will be much better than Cold Path.
And yes, it’s Defold engine!


The maps and scenarios in the screenshot are both official and from the community. Yes, there is a map editor, and all maps are loaded dynamically


Are you going to add a hundreds year war, map or no?

Maybe even some napoleonic wars?

Sorry, there will be no major updates for Cold Path. I am working on Warnament project. I have not enough free time to work on other games.
There is Scenario Editor for Cold Path, you can create scenarios yourself. It’s even possible to create custom map (see Cold Path Map Editor) and create scenario of any year for created map