Hello everyone.
I’m a 2D environment artist/pixel artist interested in the upcoming MadeWithDefold Jam 2022. I am looking for a programmer to work with me on a game in jam .
I’ve been using Defold for 4 years and have only completed a few pieces. I decided to participate in a jam to gain experience.
My preferred style is side-scrolling. Any genre are welcome, I’m ready to try any genre to get experience. My personal preference would be action, JRPG, or turn-based strategy. (But since have to be made in a limited time period, maybe adventure, action, or point-and-click would be better.)
My main interest right now is to put pixel art characters on a HD resolution background, like these.
Links that may be helpful are listed below. If you are interested, please DM me on forum or discord(sk#6540). (closed)
- The Hollow Men by SLOTET (My latest work, completely solo.)
- Abyssonaut by Thomas Olsson, pullingour, JarMustard (made for Ludum Dare 48. I did graphic stuff.)
- https://slotet.com/ (website)
- https://twitter.com/slotet_ks, https://twitter.com/SlotetStudios (social stuff)
Thanks for reading!