Chess game

Hey Guys,
I’ve just released a chess game using Defold.

This is an alpha version, a lot of stuff need to be implemented/fixed.

With that version, you can import Lichess studies, play against bots and create your own bots using a simple LUA script.

A million thanks to the Defold team!


It says this item isn’t available in my country

Should be OK now, the open tests regional settings were incomplete.

Seems that the regional propagation was a bit delayed… Should be OK now… At least that what my console says…

Hey Chung_Xa,
thanks for your feedback!

The metadata and bots data are not embedded within the app but loaded at first run (then updated when a new version is available).

The app can run offline but needs one first (initialization) connection to the Chess-box server.
In your case, seems that that those data have not been properly loaded on first run (internet connection down, Chess-box server blocked…);

the app is obviously not supposed to be running without bots data but it seems that I forgot a corner case…
I’ll cover that case in the next alpha release. In the meantime, you can delete the app-data (or delete the full app…), then restart Chess-box.

I suggest to send any further feedbacks/requests directly to me, I don’t want to spoil that showcases thread which is definitely not an app support thread.